Friday, December 24
0030 - Read Kampung Boy and Town Boy for the third time.
1345 - Drove down to Midpoint to fix my watch which died out yesterday.
1445 - Reach Tun Razak for swim after being caught in a jam in Pandan Indah.
1545 - Left for Tsen Peng Hwa
2100 - Yam cha at Ananthan's with Fernando, SOCRATES and Tauke. Decided to attend a X'mas party at Ruben's. Fernando's car couldn't start, so we gave it push start so that he can leave his car at home. Continue our journey in Tauke and SOCRATES's car.
22** - Finally arrived at Ruben's. got there late because Fernando and Tauke miss a turn into Tmn Cuepac. Kenny lead us to Ruben's. Met of the guys there, including Seniors '96. Had a Holstein and my first cuban, courtesy of Ruben which was actually meant for Kenny.

Thurday, December 23
Downloaded Palm Os Emulator. Found out that i couldn't use it without the ROM from a Palm device... which i don't have.
1420 - Gone downtown to buy bus tickets for me, Weng Kwai & Yuen Ming.
2030 - Yam cha with Fernando at Ananthan's. When we're about to leave, Ah Fai & a friend arrived.

Wednesday, December 22
2010 - Went to pasar malam.
2200 - Got home in time to watch "Only The Strong". One of my favourites. The more I watch it the better it gets, although its only my second time. Check out the Capoeira choreography.

Sunday, December 19th
1645 - Went to KLCC with Fernando & Ah Fai to watch Toy Story 2. Saw Mark Cheng while queuing up for tickets.
2000 - Had Super Supreme Stuff Crust pizza with side orders of garlic bread, soup & hot wings at Tmn Maluri Pizza Hut.

Friday, December 17th
1500 - Arrived at Stadium Merdeka for Aaron Kwok's concert. 200 scouts were needed for the service. We're divided into groups. Each of us were handed T-shirts and a pases mark 'U'. Me and another girl (Jing Yee) from TAR College were stationed at the bottom of the stairs at the other end of the stadium. We're suppose to check the tickets for RM 150 Standing (at the front of the stage). We're the 3rd team to check the audience's ticket enroute to the field. We share the spot with another team that passes out the free mini torch lights. Two singaporeans scouters were with that team. Their members were going back tonight, while they 're returning to Singapore tomorrow. Had chicken rice for dinner. Scores of audience pass by us while we check their tickets.
2000 - The concert started.

Thurday, December 16th
1730 - Arrived at Miharja's LRT Station to wait for Sai Men to pick me up to Templer Park. We're playing host to a Troop of Singapore Scouts on their way back from 7th Goodwill Camporee at Songkhla, Thailand.
2000 - Arrived at Templer Park, after sending the other two passenger to another car and picking up 3 Boy Scouts in Sg. Besi while one of them puke on the way to our destination. Prepared the BBQ. After the BBQ, a gathering is held. Learn a couple of action songs which is really good from the singaporeans. Jia Wen and Michael arrived from the service at Stadium Merdeka after the gathering ended. Hitch a ride home in Sai Men's car.

Wednesday, December 15th
2030 - Went to pasar malam. Met Jansen & Wai Teng. Fernando call after I've just arrived. Yam cha at Ananthan's.

Friday, November 18th
Bought myself a new Nike cap, similar to the old one but with a yellow swoosh at Sg. Wang.
1500 - Went swimming with Wai Kong at Bkt Jalil.

Wednesday, November 3rd
Bought Tatonka Turtle (RM 110)

Sunday, October 17th
Pick up my new photogrey, multicoated with clip on magnetic shades specs. Drove Ah Mei to a cybercafe then her friend's house and then back in my aunt's Wira. When I got back to the medical hall, I almost didn't recognised Ah Ling, she sure look great. After the birthday banquet , everyone went back to the medical hall. Ah Ling gave me mobile phone and told me to call her when I return to KL. Drove half way back to KL after which my aunt took over.

Saturday, October 16th
Went back to Teluk Intan for my grandmather's birthday. Prescribed my new spectacles.

Sunday, October 4th
0100 - Went out with a couple of guys to a mamak stall to bungkus. We had our supper before going back.
0200 - Went to sleep, while Sai Men is typing and printing cert.
0300 - Got up from my nap to start my shift. Had to look for Ah Kit in the dark and crowded room with most of them in sleeping bags. Finally I found him cuddled up with his jacket covering his head. Most of the time were spent by chatting with Ah Kit and a scouter from SRJK Chung Kwo, while the rest of it with me walking around the school compound and eating the left over fish from dinner. It sure taste good although its already cold.
0500 - Shift ended. Slept in the canteen with mt sleeping bag.
0730 - Woke up and had a bath. The water is cold, really cold. Went out with Michael to the market to buy more cooking oil.
0900 - Morning assembly. Base activity started. At my base, me and Siew Yee have to repeat teaching the three knots to more than 10 patrols. I've also learn the chinese name for Reef knot, Sheepshank, figure of 8 and clove hitch. And then there's the colouring cum scavenger hunt.
1430 - Closing ceremony. All the Cubs were given certs and korobori badges and so is all the scouters and helpers. Cleaning, packing up, returning all the chairs to their respective classrooms. Stuffing all the cooking equipments and other stuff into cars and a van.
1600 - Finally, bid farewell to all my new found friends and leave for home while they still have to go back to SRJK Confucian to unload all the equipments.

Saturday, October 3rd
0900 - Arrive at SRK Jalan Pasar, my former primary school, for Korobori Daerah Cheras '99.
1330 - Lunch was prepared by the teachers and a few helpers we called the kitchen boys because they will be helping around the kitchen for the next two days.
1400 - Went home to bath and gather up stuff to use for my overnight stay at the school. Had a nap before returning to the Korobori.
1600 - All the scouters were preparing the Cub Scouts for tonight's Campfire presentation. Chairs were carried to the hall, P. A. system being tested with Goldfish connecting all the wires. After all preparations were completed, all of us took a break. Goldfish draw a picture of a pig's face on Sai Men's laptop while the rest of us watch in amusement and giving out ideas how to draw it.
1900 - Dark clouds is gathering overhead. All of us are already in full uniforms waiting for other guests to arrive.
2000 - Its raining cats and dogs outside the hall. By now most of the guests have arrived. Never have I seen so many ADCs, DCs, ASCs and even SCs at a campfire before. It seems like me and Ah Kit are the only two guys in Rover Scout uniform. It was fun with us the scouters leading the boys in games, dance and songs.
2300 - The guests have gone home and we're getting the boys to sleep. A meeting is held and each of us were schedule for tonights watch. Me, Ah Kit and two other Boy Scouts were sloted for 3 am. Tomorrow's Base activities will have two personnel at each base, I'll be with Siew Yee.

Service at Bukit Jalil Family Park with Weng Kwai, Sook Fong & 3 Form 3s and also Cheras A Crew & Confucian Scouts.

Watch "Fly me to polaris" with vicky at Leisure Mall.

Had lunch with vicky. Rovers meeting. Had a long chat with Wai Ling and Ah Kau at Tsen Peng Wah (app 1645-1855).

Lepak at Tsen Peng Wah with Fernando then went swimming at Lake Club with Ah Fai. Had dinner at Peng Wah then met Kin Yoong at Tsim Tsa Tsui, had a chat.

Lent my poncho to Ruben, saturday meeting. Lepak at Airport with Ah Kau, Ah Kwai, Jayson & Sook Fong, Boon Keat and Chang Fui. Pay a visit to vicky.

Went to Cochrane and then swimming at Tun Razak with Ah Kau, Ah Kwai, Wai Kong & Luke.
Yam cha at Steven Corner with 2/3 of my Rover crew.

Rovers LTC '99, Alang Sedayu.

Went to Evergreen with Ah Kau, Wai Kong, Ah Kwai, Boon Keat & Lap Hong. Bought a Panda sleeping bag, a poncho & a pack strap. Ah Kau bought a folding chair for 10 bucks. Proceed to Professor and met Ah Chai and a few moments later, Sook Fong and Wai Hong. Ran to Jln. Silang McD in the middle of a heavy rain, lucky got my new poncho around.

Register with SETI@home, and downloaded my first Work Unit.

Attended 1st Troop Kajang 60th Annual Gathering.

Attended 2nd Kuala Lumpur Victoria Scout Group Campfire.

Elected as Cheras A Rover Scout Crew new secretary

Officially a new member of Cheras 'A' Rover Crew.

Attended 17th Petaling Boxing Kangaroo Scout Group 24th Annual Campfire.

P. A. system for Nike 3on3 on top of Sg. Wang, 200+ teams including 24 girl teams.
2120 - Attended First Pudu Ranger Unit campfire at night.

Website design testing initiated

Officially a new member of Cheras 'A' Rover Crew.

Attended 17th Petaling Boxing Kangaroo Scout Group 24th Annual Campfire.

Went to China Town, then hike to First Kuala Lumpur 90th Anniversary Campfire.

Watch The Phantom Menace at a shopping complex in Klang, then attended 6th Klang Sea Scout 43rd Annual Campfire. Chai Fung, thanx for the drink.

Former Boy Scout Troop Leader '95, Yew Poh Yong passed away.

I still can't believe i actually miss kajang campfire after attending it for 5 years in a row since 1994.